
Are Rob and Kristen Coming Home?

Today 5:12 AM PDT by Ted Casablanca and Taryn Ryder

While many of you may have overlooked Spike TV's Scream Awards in the past, we predict they will get their highest viewers to date thanks to Robert Pattinson and his sexy locks.
New footage from The Twilight Saga: New Moon will premiere when the show airs in a few weeks, but right now all eyes and ears are on who will be presenting the next N.M. teaser...
There have been plenty of blog rumors that the Golden Three—Rob, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner—will come down to L.A. to introduce the clip.
We checked with Deep Twi and our other studio sources and no one would completely confirm that would happen, but they tell us it's what execs are trying to make happen. Good thing what the suits want, they usually get. Uh, right?
See, Eclipse filming is going pretty much according to schedule, but they need to get this wrapped before Robsten 'n' crew start off on their global press tour to promote New Moon.
While there seems to be lots of heated debate surrounding the did-they-or-didn't-they-snap-at-each-other Robsten video, you bet that if K.Stew and R.Pattz make it to the Scream Awards together every glance and gesture will be just as dissected as ever.
Since Rob has no permanent place in L.A., will he be crashing with Kristen? Or have they just gotten so used to their hotel room together they'll cozy up somewhere in Hollywood?Let's hope we get to officially find out!(But we have the feeling more than a few of us already know the answer to the above, like, let's get real.)

Thanks Fly On The Wall via robstenlovers

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