
Are Rob and Kristen on the outs?

Here's Ted Casablanca's take on it: Is there major trouble in Robstens paradise? Twitter has been on a rampage with worried Twilight fans saying Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart got into a screaming fight over the weekend.

Okay, well we've peeped the video of this supposed squabble and must fess, totally don't see the big deal.
Splash News dissected the footage and determined that Rob was profusely apologizing to Kristen. They do not know for what. Splash also claims Kristen snapped at R.Pattz because she would have preferred he hold his emotions for when those standing nearby for the elevator could not overhear. "Can we just wait for these people to go up?" she supposedly bitched.Uh, no. Rob. By all means, no! We wanna hear all about it! But, look, can't you see this public-appearance stuff is makin' your woman nuts?
Is this couple on the verge to splitsville before even going public?

Oh there's more!!

Click HERE to read more at The Awful Truth

Thanks Fly On The Wall via robstenlovers.

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