
E Online Ted's take on Kristen's Interview...

We told you yesterday how Vancouver locals have noticed less of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart around town, and our always spot-on Deep Twi dished that staying in is Robsten's easiest alternative as of late.

"...the only way for me not to have somebody know where I went the night before is if I didn't go out at all. So that's what I'm trading...Some nights, I think, 'You know what? I don't care. I'm just going to do what I want to do.' Then the next day I think, 'Ugh. Now everyone thinks I'm going out to get the attention.' But it's like, no, I actually, for a second, thought that maybe I could be like a normal person."

How can you not heart this girl? She's real. And it's true—Kristen gets pounced on by fans and some media folks for anything she does. Meanwhile her boy Rob can do no wrong in everyone's eyes. It's no wonder they both want to hide away...together. Something as simple as a shopping trip turns into a balls-out sexcapade. We read the story, originally from the National Enquirer, mind you, saying that Robsten enjoyed "a romp" in a dressing room at the Black Market Village in Toronto. Sorry, but do you think a couple whose romantic nights mean hanging in the same hotel room with swarms of security standing outside the door, would decide to risk it all by getting frisky in public?
OK, don't answer that. Yes, Rob and Kristen are rebels, and horny rebels at that, but we're not buying this story. Maybe they were just testing out the durability of the clothes they were trying on by wrestling, or something? That is, if they were at the store to begin with.

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