
Kristen Stewart: High School Graduate

After being so busy working on the “Twilight” sagas, the Bella Swan beauty has finally made time to finish off high school.
Kristen explained,

“I went to a public school up until junior high. I know it’s a little late and I’m a little old, but I just finished high school-with honors.”
Miss Stewart added, “The other day I was doing a graduation scene on Eclipse, and I had just finished high school myself the week before, so I told the crew, ‘Hey, just so you know, I’m actually graduating right now, and I’m not going to have another ceremony.’ So I took a mock picture with an extra. I literally asked the actor to come back and shake my hand and hand me the diploma while I was dressed in a cap and gown.”
The 19-year-old also explained that she didn’t really choose to act, but it just happened.
“It’s a weird thing to expect a child that young to say what they want to do, like act,” she said. “I’m not sure it was a natural inclination for me either, but it was something that I fell into. To be honest, I had fun at first. It was the first thing I ever thrived at. My parents are crew. They were both baffled that I wanted to act.But they support anything that me and my brothers want to do.”
But Kristen knew it was something she wanted to do eventually, telling, “It was something I thought was fun because I grew up on sets. And then a few years later, I grew up and acting became very different to me. I think I was about 13.”

source:celebrity-gossip.net via kristen-s.net

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