
New Still of Jacob and Bella from New Moon

Fangoria has this new New Moon still as part of an article there have in Fango Issue#288:
Under a NEW MOON.

There’s something for everyone this time around,” screenwriter
Melissa Rosenberg (DEXTER) says during a break from yet another long day in the
TV series’ writers’ room. “NEW MOON, as directed by Chris Weitz, looks amazing.
There’s definitely more conflict going on.”
A male filmmaker telling a young
girl’s story, Weitz says he was able to step into Bella’s mindset because “I
feel that on some level, people are the same and have similar needs,” he
explains. “Like Bella, I’ve gone through heartbreak, so I have sort of walked in
her shoes. And in some ways, I am a teenaged girl. I have a high estrogen count,
so that helped a lot.”

Source: Fangoria. via source

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