
Team 411: Being a Kristen Stewart fan

After last week's glowing first edition piece, Team 411 no longer needs any introduction.

This time, they're taking on being a fan of Kristen Stewart - for better and, well, for better.
I have an aunt and uncle who live on a ranch. On this ranch they have two dogs, Daisy and Shelby. Daisy is a yapper. The second she sees you coming up the road, she’s bouncing around, yapping, impatient for you to give her attention. She will roll on her back and wait for her belly to be rubbed. You must rub Daisy’s belly, or you cannot enter the house—she will literally block this from happening unless you give her a tummy rub. Daisy is cute as all get out. She’s friendly and sweet and it’s impossible to dislike her, even if she can be annoying in her constant need for you to be petting her. Shelby, on the other hand, sees you coming and simply watches. She does not approach. She waits for you to come to her. She will not offer her belly for rubbing. If you’re lucky, Shelby may consent to let you pat her head. Shelby is a discriminating dog, a dog that does as she pleases and either you adapt to her, or you go hang with Daisy.

Being a fan of Kristen Stewart is like dealing with Shelby. Kristen is not the kind of actress that needs a lot of attention—indeed, she seems happier with the spotlight on someone else. She doesn’t seem to enjoy press conferences, or junkets, and she doesn’t appear at her best when standing in front of thousands of screaming people. It makes her an easy target for criticism, because she can be taken as ungrateful in these situations. It would be easy to watch a KStew interview and only see the fidgeting, the frowning, the impatience to be doing something else. But that’s Kristen Stewart. She won’t beg for our attention. She simply waits, like Shelby, for us to adapt.

And adapt we do. It takes work to be a Kristen Stewart fan. She can be awkward. She’s shy and fairly inaccessible. Outside of Twilight, she’s not usually in the kind of movies that generate massive press, so you often have to work to find her interviews, tracking down obscure magazines and waiting ages for one of her movies to come to theaters (hello, Yellow Handkerchief). Following Kristen means looking past that so-called ungrateful surface to see what is really going on. And what’s really going on is that Kristen is an actress with quiet depth. Look past the fidgeting and hear what she’s saying, how passionate she is about her work, how dedicated to her characters. Hear her praise for her co-stars, get past the stop-and-start speech and listen to her stories about working with Jodie Foster, what it was like to be hand-picked by Sean Penn, how it felt to be chosen to play a character idolized by millions.

There’s something about KStew fans, though. We like that she makes us work. We like her because she makes us work. In a highly unscientific poll of Team 411, we determined that we like Kristen for her offbeat attitude, we like that she’s not another cookie-cutter starlet. Love her or hate her, Kristen Stewart is real. This is just her. Either you’re going to adapt, or you’re going to go hang with Daisy. Kristen fans are a discerning group. We do not need our girlcrush to pander to us, we don’t need her in the press saying something pseudo-shocking or flashing her panties every day. We love Kristen because she just is—just is quiet, just is shy, just is awkward. She just is a rebel, a young woman determined not to be turned into some processed product. She just is this way, and she’s not going to change that any time soon. And we love that.
We are Kristen Stewart fans. We are not yappers.

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