
Team 411 talks Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson

You've already read some of their beautiful insights into the world of Twilight and The Runaways star Kristen Stewart. They're Team 411 (also known as the incredibly intriguing KStew411 Twitter team), and they've got limitless viewpoints on all things Kristen.
This time, the duo takes on
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart - you might know 'em as Edward and Bella in the Twilight series - and how the media and public portrayal and reception of the two might be a little unbalanced of late.
First, some important things to remember about Team 411.
• Though we are Kristen-first, we do love Robert Pattinson. He’s The Sparkly One! We think he’s cute and likeable and charming, and we certainly hope his talent proves out and he goes on to have a solid career.
• We’re pro-Robsten since way back. If you tell us that you think they’re just super special friends who simply like to rehearse lines together, even at two o’clock in the morning when they’re between films, we’re going to ask how the view is from your house on the banks of De Nile.
• Not everyone has to like Kristen Stewart—as we’ve said before, she’s not for everyone. (Although KStew fans are the coolest fans. If you just thought to yourself, “I don’t like her that much,” you are now 10% less cool than you were before you thought that.)
So keep these three keys in mind as you read. We like Rob Pattinson, we’re Team Robsten, and we don’t care if you like Kristen Stewart or not, because this isn’t about liking her, it’s about respecting her.
I once dated a beautiful man. I mean a seriously beautiful man. He was six-five, built like an Olympic swimmer, and had blonde hair that curled just so. Everywhere he went, people literally stopped and stared.

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