
5 Things Kristen Stewart and Joan Jett Have in Common

It may look like Kristen Stewart and Joan Jett share only their hairstyles, and that's true for the most part. The stark difference between the icon and the actress is what makes The Runaways so enticing. What director wouldn't say "get me America's favorite virginal vampire lover to play a feminist glam-rock queen"?

Still they must have something in common besides a love of razor cuts! Check out what I found below.

  1. Los Angeles: While Kristen was born in LA and spent most of her childhood there — save a stint in Colorado — Joan Jett arrived when she was nine. Both were able to capitalize on the location. Joan hobnobbed with what few female rockers there were and honed her trademark style, and Kristen's LA connections got her discovered in a school play.
  2. Hit it big at 18: Joan made it onto the international scene with the band's eponymously titled album, The Runaways, while Kristen made it huge with Twilight's release two months after her 18th birthday.
  3. The guitar: Both Kristen and Joan's instrument of choice is the guitar. Though Kristen plays the guitar while filming The Runaways, it sounds like the music is dubbed over with Jett's rifts. It will be Kristen's voice though!

Get the final two after the jump.

  1. Contractual obligations: I'm making an assumption, but considering Kristen's two Sundance films star her playing a rock star in one and a prostitute in another, she's not letting her agent typecast her as the naive fauna of Forks, WA. Of course, she has contract obligations to finish the Twilight saga, and Joan Jett knows something about that. After The Runaways broke up in 1979, she was forced to complete a film about the band and had to use actresses instead of her departed band mates.
  2. Vegetarianism: Joan is a longtime vegetarian and advocate while Kristen skips meat, too. In fact, in the movie Bella eats garden burgers and salads, which is a departure from her carnivorous book character.

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