
Twilight fan fakes interest in Kristen Stewart’s ‘The Runaways’

Kristen Stewart fans pretends like she knows about The Runaways, Welcome to the Rileys Tanya Burlington, 15, was busted Tuesday for not knowing that Twilight star Kristen Stewart was in two film projects currently playing at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. Burlington, a longstanding member of Team Bella, was asked if she saw the recently released still photos from The Runaways and Welcome to the Rileys, which were posted to all of her friends Facebook accounts.

“Yeah, I saw them. She looked so good, I was like, yeah…so good,” says
the Gullard High School sophomore. “I liked that one where she’s smiling. She’s so cute there…smiling and stuff.”

“That’s when I knew she was full of [expletive],” said Tanya’s BFF, Meghan. “Kristen doesn’t smile in movies. Ever. Unless she is cracking wise at an amusement park set in the ’80s, only to have depressed sex with Ryan Reynolds later. Any real fan of K-Stew knows that. Well, almost every one.”

Written and directed by Floria Sigismondi, The Runaways is a rock biopic centering on Joan Jett and her early days with the band The Runaways. Stewart plays Jett with fellow New Moon co-star Dakota Fanning playing band-mate Cherie Currie.

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