
Will Kristen Be Forgotten in Rob's Remember Me?

More stills from Robert Pattinson's upcoming drama Remember Me have been released, and we can't help but think we've seen 'em somewhere before.
That is, if you take out Emilie de Ravin and insert Kristen Stewart.
Rob's really beginning to nail that angsty I want you but can't have you just yet look.
But who makes it work better: Emilie or Kristen?

Brace yourself, Robsten fans, 'cause you're gonna get some bad news before good (and more Remember Me sneak peaks) after the jump...

As we said last month, Rob and Emilie have some pretty steamy chemistry in Remember Me.

While studio suits were concerned for, like, a second that fans would have a hard time seeing Rob go at it onscreen with anyone other than Kristen, that worry has come and passed. Like, forever ago. R.Pattz is a great ticket sell just on his own.
So expect Me to be packaged a bit like New Moon was. He and Emilie already role-played a museum date for Vogue last month, and we don't think the PR train pushing these two together will be slowing down in the coming months.

We're not that concerned, though. As long as our main gal Kristen has him behind the scenes, we say give us more Rob and Emilie. The movie is supposed to be great (Rob's acting, especially) so we're all for seeing more of his sexy, scruffy mug.
Plus, K.Stew so isn't the type of babe to get worked up over that kinda thing. Their work comes first.

What say you all—are you excited to see Remember Me or is it too painful to watch R.Pattz hook up onscreen with a gal not Kristen?

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