
Real "Runaways" Manager Says Stewart, Fanning Legit

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"The Runaways" didn't rock the box office on opening weekend, but stars Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning could always fall back on music if the whole acting thing doesn't cut it, someone who ought to know told PopcornBiz.

Kim Fowley, the actual manager of the Joan Jett, Cherie Currie band, says he was mighty impressed with the rock talents of Stewart and Fanning. If they did ever want to take the rock gig on the road, Fowley gamely said he'd take the two under his wing.

"They have bravery, magic and skill," he said.

While Fowley loved the film, he had issues with some details - particularly a shocking scene where his character (played by Michael Shannon) instructs neighborhood kids to throw dog excrement at the band practicing in a trailer. This didn't happen in real life.

"The kids threw furniture bottles and bricks," says Fowley, adding it wasn't in a trailer. "Not dogs---. That's all poetic license."

The larger-than-life Fowley also insists he's not as manically oppressive as he comes off in the film. "I was a bit more cerebral than I was depicted," he says. "Michael did a great job, but the real Kim Fowley was more of an analytical thinker."

Part of the problem is that the movie is based on Currie's book. And Currie -- who flamed out in the world of rock and drugs -- still harbors some serious anger towards Fowley. "From Cherie's point of view that's what I was," he says. "That's her impression. Time has come and gone. 35 years ago…Next!"


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