
Robert Pattinson – Kristen Stewart: Who Received Better Reviews?

Robert Pattinson-Kristen Stewart Box Office Comparison

Who came out on top in terms of critical reception, Robert Pattinson for his rebellious Tyler Hawkins in Remember Me or Kristen Stewart for her rebellious rocker Joan Jett in The Runaways?

The clear answer is Kristen Stewart, even though both Pattinson and Stewart have been commended for taking chances while away from their Twilight Saga roles.

In fact, neither Allen Coulter’s Remember Me, a tragic romantic melodrama ( SPOILER ) or Floria Sigismondi’s The Runaways, a rock biopic of the ’70s all-girl band, could be considered conventional vehicles for two up-and-coming stars whose fan base is for the most part composed of teenage girls. Remember Me at least did get a PG-13 rating in the US, but The Runaways was slapped with an R.

Kristen Stewart made more of an impression on critics probably because her impersonation of Joan Jett, portrayed as a tough, determined lesbian in The Runaways, is a far cry from the actress’ confused Bella, torn between a vampire and a werewolf in Twilight, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, and the upcoming The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

"Stewart, known mainly for mumbling and stumbling through the Twilight movies, is the revelation here," wrote Mick LaSalle in the San Francisco Chronicle, while in the Chicago Sun-Times Roger Ebert says he now believes the actress "could handle such a tough-as-nails character" as the punkish computer hacker in the planned American remake of the Swedish thriller The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Pattinson’s Remember Me rebel was considerably less well-received, with many critics making unflattering comparisons to James Dean’s anti-hero portrayals of the mid-’50s.

A typical comment is that of Michael O’Sullivan in the Washington Post: "In attitude, if not aptitude, Robert Pattinson in Remember Me comes across like a latter-day James Dean. Playing Tyler Hawkins … the Twilight hunk fills the screen with cigarette smoke, stubble and hooded green eyes, but little else."

Pattinson, of course, also had his supporters. And as stated above, a number of critics — even some who weren’t crazy about his character or the movie itself — remarked on the 23-year-old actor’s daring career choice.


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