
Kristen In ABC Newspaper (Spain) Translation

"The first kiss was really hard"

At 21, Kristen Stewart has already bought a two million dollars house. After three films in the series and two more to come, the future is hers.

Fabian W. Waintal


Among a new generation of viewers is most famous than Madonna, more recognized than Angelina Jolie and more admired than Sandra Bullock. Anyone who has read the book saga "Twilight" does not just want to see in film the romance between a vampire and a teenage Bella, also wants to meet the young protagonist of the movie saga. And behind the most popular love story of the moment is the "Bella" Kristen Stewart.

Why do you think there's so much fandom behind the "Twilight" saga?

For the whole subject of vampires and werewolves. But I think that if we remove the mysticism of the story, with the same people, it would still be interesting. I don't think the phenomenon happens because is a vampire story, but that makes it more "cool", more interesting.

The best and worst of your role?

Actually, there is nothing to be negative, because everything that bothers me about my character, Bella, is what I like about her, as when she realizes that shet can be quite selfish. Sometimes she is too hard with herself and I identify with that. I always say I love how she does things wrong, and she don't mind the consequences. Such is life when we are young and we're growing.

In your case is the same? Do you do what comes to mind without thinking on the consequences, like your character Bella?

I suppose it depends on the moment. At work, I do what I feel and I don't think about what may happen next. And in interviews, too, when I reply. Yes, I guess I am. But I also like to control my environment a lot, I worry too much if I dont know what is gonna happen. I walk in both ends.

And do you use your personal experiences in your acting?

It's difficult to take a personal experience in the scenes. Although I identify with the feelings, I don't think is right to me to contribute with something from me, because I'm playing a different person. I can identify with her, but I also have to leave my personality at the door.

Aren't you afraid that the popularity of these films ends typecasting you for ever?

This situation is unique, because I have to play the same character for too long. But I feel I have been lucky, because I get really sad when I leave a character at the end of a film shooting that typically lasts six weeks. Definitely, it's obvious that this role put me in a epic position, but "Twilight" is one more film for me... I don't care if I make a blockbuster or an independent film. When I get to the studio, work is always the same.

Is there anything in particular that drives you to find success?

I suppose that success means something completely different for each person. I feel I have success when I do something that makes me happy. And I'm not lying. What drives me to success? It's very difficult to answer. I really love acting, It's great. I just want to be an actress.

She turned 21 last April, the 6, Kristen Stewart also matured in her career as one of Hollywood's youngest superstars. Before the "Twilight" saga, she had worked as Jodie Foster's daughter in the thriller "Panic Room" and made some action movies with other blockbusters as "Zathura" and "Jumper", and also was involved in other independent films such as "Into the Wild" under the directing of Sean Penn, and "What Just Happened", with Robert De Niro.

Familiar with the entertainment world, her mother, Jules Mann Stewart, is the director of her upcoming movie "K 11" and her father, John Stewart, is a television producer for Fox Channel. And while she still living with her parents, Kristen also has his own house in Woodland Hills, where she invested the two million dollars she was paid for "Twilight." After three films in the series, Kristen shouldn't worry too much about economic well-being with a assured fortune with the upcoming release of "Breaking Dawn" the fourth installment of the series, with wich the producers think about duplicate the boxoffice. How? Dividing the story into two different films, completing the famous series with a total of five films and billions of dollars included.

How long have you known the secret about making the fourth book in the series in two films instead of one?

I had to keep the secret from the start. We all knew that the last book "Breaking dawn" was going to be filmed in two films. And it was hard not to say anything until it was confirmed. The shoot will last six months, from October to February or March.

Bella does not believe in marriage and the vampire, Edward is who insists that they marry, what is your true position in this regard?

If I believe in marriage? Yeah, sure. I'm not ready to marry, but I have a big family and I would like to create something similar. As happens in the story of the upcoming movies, I can not wait to have a child and getting married, all that.

And what was more difficult, the action scenes or the kiss with the werewolf?

The action scenes were pretty easy. And one of the most difficult that I probably had was the first kiss with Jacob, the werewolf. It was a different path, because Edward, the vampire was always the only thing she wanted. It was weird. I never had made something like that before. It was very difficult and you can't imagine how nervous I was.

What was so uncomfortable?

What is different from the kiss, the moment is unique. I think is a mistake. I always say that my character Bella makes too many mistakes. And it is good that she might be embarrassed, in addition to being afraid. It's okay that is like that.

Who kiss better? Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson or Dakota Fanning (outside "Eclipse" they kissed in "The Runaways")?

I'm going to say Dakota, because is the easiest answer.
What if you had to choose as Bella, between Rob Pattinson and Taylor Lautner?

I don't know. People are always wondering if it's OK to create between the teenagers the idea that there is a perfect man, if he exists. Everyone has a specific ideal, especially the youngest, they believe that someone can be perfect for them. And our movie, our characters are anything but perfect. They're all completely mad. And if I was Bella's friend, surely I would say to take a second look into this vampire guy, because he is not treating her too well. But when you love someone, nothing else matters to you.

And speculation about that you are really in a relationship with Robert Pattinson... even if is not true, will continue until all the movies of the saga are finished?

Probably... certainly, yes.

Big picture footer: Kristen Stewart, the star of the Twilight Saga.

Small picture footer: No methodic Actor. "It's difficult to take a personal experience in the scenes. I don't think is right to me to contribute with something from me."

And here the review in the right side:

Warning, is not a nice review, spanish press doesn't really like the saga at all, good reviews are really weird here.


Eclipse **

Director: David Slade. Country: USA. Year: 2010. Runtime: 124 min. Cast: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene.



This third installment of the "Twilight" saga brings some dark reputation on regard to the previous ones, but frankly, I haven't seen anything darker than the movie theater itself. After the surprising and entertaining first instalment and after the vigorous second one, you know by heart the peculiarities of the Cullens, this family of vampires that could be candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize, in addition to cut up garlic with no problems to Ferran Adrià's at Bulli*; we already know the disturbing lack of irrigation in Robert Pattinson's face (this has to be related with liver), also known Taylor Lautner's pans of pectorals and abdominals , the werewolf in love...

Which is then the surprise of this installment?...

It persists in that commendable puritan spirit of the teenage lovers, it insists, even in an exaggerated way, in the poetic love that soggy drains down the screen, the pieces move into some kind of alliance of civilizations between "the cold" vampires "the stinky" werewolves...

Perhaps most striking about this "Eclipse", which, in my opinion, it is in fact one, is the number of times that the lovebirds (and now the are three) can say how much they love each other and during how long without the voice of the director (a certain David Slade) saying "Please, Cut!".

More than a compliment of the healthy living and the eternal marriage, the saga can continue without becoming another issue on sun protection ads, anabolic steroids or hair-restorer.

*Notes: Ferra Adrià is a famous spanish chef and Bulli is his restaurant.

Uchiland - Scan and Translation

Gossip-Dance & RobstenDreams

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