
Kristen Is Said ‘Getting Frustrated’ of Possessive Robert

The 20-year-old actress reportedly sometimes wishes her 24-year-old on/off screen lover ‘would just back off’ because of his possessive ways.

According to Showbiz Spy, Kristen Stewart is growing tired of Robert Pattinson’s possessive ways. An insider said as quoted by the site that the Bella Swan of “Twilight” movie series hates that Robert wants to be with her 24 hours a day and showers her with text messages when she’s not with him.

“Kristen loves spending time with Rob. But she sometimes wishes he’d just back off,” the insider claimed. “When he visits her on set, he’s always by Kristen’s side – and it annoys her. She’s a very independent woman and is used to spending time alone. She’s getting frustrated.”Beside allegedly being possessive, Robert was also recently reported getting jealous of Kristen’s “On the Road” co-star Viggo Mortensen. An insider told Hollywood Life, “Her scenes are with Viggo, who is very very hot! Rob is free until filming begins on the next ‘Twilight’ film, so he’s got all the time in the world to keep an eye on Kristen – and he will.”

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have been romantically linked since they filmed “Twilight”. The rumored lovers have never confirmed whether they are dating or not. However, back in August, the two were spotted smooching in Montreal, Canada where Kristen was filming the movie.

Source: Peace Of FM - foreign.peacefmonline.com


Kristen Stewart reportedly bosses her boyfriend Robert Pattinson around and compares him to dog!

Uh-oh, we don't think the Twihard army are going to be too pleased when they hear this! Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were only properly outed last month when an eagle-eyed observer spotted them making out in Canada, but we're already hearing rumours that the relationship isn't all that perfect… According Heat, the Twilight actress treats her on and off-screen love like an assistant, with a source telling the mag:

"She’s like, 'I love Rob, but I love my dogs, too.' She treats Rob like an assistant sometimes, sending him out to buy wine or groceries."

Erm, well, we might have all been guilty of that at some point (although not if it was RPattz!).

But the source added: "She doesn’t show too much excitement when he gets there. But that’s what Rob seems to like, the fact that she doesn’t treat him as if he’s special." Unlike the rest of the world then really….

Meanwhile, to celebrate the fact that it's Bella Swan's birthday on 13 September, Eclipse is being released in the US. Not sure if that's the case here, but we're sure you can find your own way to celebrate.


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