
Are Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart best Kissers?

Are Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart truly best kissers? This debate has been raging over the last few months among the Hollywood faithful. More fuel was added to the fire when Teen Choice Awards decided to give Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart the best kissing couple award of the year.

Rob and Kirsten's on-screen chemistry is beyond belief. The couple truly sets the screen on fire in romantic and passionate scenes. But there are a lot of Hollywood celebrities to content for the best kiss award. Who wants to see Angelina Jolie kiss Brad Smith or George Clooney or Johnny Depp or anyone for that matter. How about Megan Fox sharing a lip lock with Shia Labeouf.

Well all these choices are there but once you see Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson kiss on screen, I think you will have to agree with us that they truly are the front runners of the best kiss award. We leave you with a photo gallery of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's on screen kisses. Let us know what you think.

‘TWILIGHT’ SHOWDOWN! Rob & Kristen V. Ashley & Joe! Who Has The Hotter Kissing Style?

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart definitely share sexier smooches than Ashley Greene and Joe Jonas’ conservative pecks! Who do YOU think has the hotter PDA?

Comparing Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s make out style to Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene’s PDA is NO contest. Thanks to the Twilight films, we’ve seen our favorite real life on-screen couple get down and dirty — and we have the photos to prove it!

In the first Twilight, R-Patz (Edward Cullen) and K-Stew (Kristen Stewart) romantically embrace – she doesn’t hold back as she passionately grips his hair and pulls his head toward hers. Their mouths are gently open showing true trust and intimacy between the two.

It’s a far cry from what we’ve seen from, Ashley, 23, and 21-year-old Joe’s one public kiss. It was much more innocent and friendly. You could almost compare it to a pair of close friends or family members. While standing outside on a street in Soho Aug. 20, Joe quickly leaned in to peck his Twilight actress girlfriend on the lips. Not only was there a water bottle between their bodies, no other part of them touched! We understand they could’ve be feeling self-concious while paparazzi are following them, but it wouldn’t hurt to give the PDA a little more feeling.

Although Robert and Kristen are more private than Joe and Ashley (who have only dated for four months), we’ve think their interactions are way more genuine and heartfelt than “Jashley.” Come on, Joe, don’t be afraid to put your arm across her shoulders and make your kiss last longer than a millisecond!


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