
Kristen Stewart: "Breaking Dawn" will change people's minds about Bella Swan

"Twilight" fans love to debate their favorite novel in Stephenie Meyer's bestselling vampire series. Kristen Stewart says she has her own favorite -- and it's the most explicit and intense of the bunch.

"This one's really good. This one really goes there, finally," said the actress who plays the iconic Bella Swan of "Breaking Dawn." "This one is like the forming of a family. You see everything really come to fruition because I feel like [Bella] has sort of gone through an accelerated growth period."

In November, Stewart will reprise the Bella role when she begins filming the first half of “Breaking Dawn,” the fourth movie in the “Twilight” franchise, which will be directed by Bill Condon. The story follows [spoiler alert: if you aren't familiar with "Breaking Dawn," skip to the last paragraph] Bella’s marriage to vampire Edward Cullen (Rob Pattinson), as the two finally consummate their relationship and Bella becomes pregnant.

"At at this point," Stewart says, "you do accept [Bella] as a mom.”

Because their child is half-human and half-vampire, Bella’s pregnancy is riddled with complications -- all leading up to a dramatic birth scene, in which Edward tears open Bella’s stomach with his teeth to save their baby.

There has been speculation about how the graphic scene will be depicted on screen. Stewart acknowledges it's a "crazy concept," also describing werewolf Jacob's hearing "vampire teeth against vampire skin" during the childbirth scene.

Just how that will play out on screen, though, has yet to be determined. "I've seen the script," which tracks closely to the book, she says. "But it depends on how they shoot it."

Stewart, who was speaking to 24 Frames to promote her new independent drama "Welcome to the Rileys," said she thinks her "Twilight" character has been misunderstood. “Bella’s criticized sometimes for being, like, you know -- I don’t know, selfish and overly emotional and silly and frivolous and annoying and young,” said Stewart. “That’s sort of like a very judgmental way of looking at it."



Kristen Is Ready For The Changes In 'Breaking Dawn'

In just three weeks, it’s the beginning of the end of “The Twilight Saga” journey for Kristen Stewart, who will commence filming on the franchise’s last two films.

Based on “Breaking Dawn” — the fourth and final “Twilight” series book from Stephenie Meyer — the final films will focus on massive life changes for K-Stew’s Bella Swan, including (SPOILER) consummating her relationship with beau Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), marriage and the birth of a half-vampire, half-human child. On Monday, at the junket for her gritty upcoming drama “Welcome to the Rileys,” Kristen told Access Hollywood, she can’t wait to sink her teeth into the new material.

“I’m really excited about this one. I’m so happy that we’re doing two movies because we would have had to cut out so much, it almost would have been near impossible,” she said. “I mean God, I’m excited about… a lot of little bits, but I’m most excited about — Bella turns into a vampire obviously in this one — I’m not spoiling anything for anyone — and she… she’s so different.”

The actress, who has played a brave and lovesick teen for most of the series, is looking forward to playing a new side of Bella.

“She’s like the best vampire in the series … basically everything about the story leading up to it, it just feels so right because it’s so natural to her and it’s just like — it’s so satisfying,” Kristen told Access. “As raw and dark and whatever as it is, there’s definitely a lot of conflict. It’s like everything comes to fruition. You finally get what you’ve been begging for basically and it feels good.”

While “Breaking Dawn, Part 1” isn’t due out until November 11, 2011, Kristen fans can catch her next month in “Welcome to the Rileys” opposite “Sopranos” kingpin James Gandolfini and “Frozen River” Oscar nominee Melissa Leo.

The dark film sees Kristen starring as a stripper who hooks on the side until she meets up with a businessman grieving the loss of his teenage daughter. The film required Kristen to visit strip clubs in order to nail the part of 16-year-old Mallory.

“I know nothing of that world further than, at that point, the script, which was written really well. We ultimately found out that it was all right and legitimate and not like a fairytale version of a stripper story, [but] you have to do the research to make sure first and just feel like you’re not faking it,” Kristen said. “From the girls that I talked to, it’s not like I got all their life stories, but you do find that a lot of the stories are the same… You can sort of plug in a few little elements into this equation and it usually spits out, ‘I sell myself ‘cause it’s just like, easy.’”

Playing a teenage exotic dancer/prostitute is much different from Bella Swan, but Kristen said she didn’t choose the role just to get away from the “Twilight” heroine.

“I feel like I do them all for very different reasons,” she said of her different roles. “Everything that I’ve done in between the ‘Twilight’ stuff has just been coincidentally starkly different from the ‘Twilight’ stuff.”

“Welcome to the Rileys” hits theaters on November 10.


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