
Robert Pattinson makes the list but Kristen Stewart does not

Well the list has been released and Robert Pattinson is on it but Kristen Stewart is not.

Entertainment Weekly released it's most powerful entertainers list for 2010 and Robert Pattinson ranks 45th out of 50. His co-star in the Twilight films and supposed girlfriend, Kristen Stewart, is nowhere to be seen on the list. Is either really a surprise?

Most People expected
Robert Pattinson to make the list. His career box office draw has been 2.7 billion and he is adored by women worldwide. But, the reason for his low ranking is said best by Entertainment Weekly;

Tween girls swoon over him as Edward Cullen, but they haven't yet declared their love for him outside the Twilight franchise. A few more movies and Hollywood will know for sure whether he's better off undead.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Pattinson may one day soon be a superstar but as of right now he just isn't in the same ballpark as
Johnny Depp (1) Will Smith (5) or even Robert Downey Jr. (6). The real test for Robert Pattinson will be his next movie, Water for Elephants, which is due out in April of 2011. If that movie is a huge success then it may well catapult Pattinson into the top ten next year. But, if it bombs he may be off the list altogether.

As for Kristen Stewart, well, she just isn't in the same league as Pattinson. She isn't as good looking, talented or popular as Pattinson. Stewart's next major movie will be a defining film for her. If she can break through with a great performance and a box office smash then she may be able to be mentioned in the same breath with Pattinson and other top actors and actresses. Only time will tell where Stewart's career goes after Twilight.

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