
German "Welcome To The Rileys" release pushed back!

The german distributer of Welcome To The Rileys pushed the german release date from 13th January 2011 back to unknown.

I've been in contact with the distributer and just received an email with this "news".

They didn't give me any reasons and details but I will try to find out.
Here is their email:


Thank you very much for your interest in "Welcome To The Rileys"! You are right, the former release date was set for 01/13/2011. Unfortunately we had to cancel that date. A new date is not known yet but we will publish it on our homepage www.arsenalfilm.de under "soon" as soon as we have a new release date.



Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an "Welcome to the Rileys"! Sie haben recht, der ehemalige Starttermin war auf den 13.1.2011 angesetzt, leider mussten wir diesen Termin absagen. Ein neuer Termin steht noch nicht fest, wir werden ihn aber auf unserer Homepage www.arsenalfilm.de unter "demnächst" veröffentlichen, sobald er feststeht.


  1. Thx for posting! I hate this fact. It´s so difficult to watch independent films in germany. Maybe I could watch it in austria or switzerland.

  2. Yeah I know, in Europe it's difficult to have some exclusive American Releases sometimes...


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