
Fan Details on People's Choice Award Show Interactions Between Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner

By: Cherokee Girl / aka : @robkris13 (Twitter)

A few thoughts about the PCA’s last night: Let me begin by saying all the tweets/comments about “tension and coldness” between Rob and Kristen are pure and simple bullshit! They were clearly leaning into each other, laughing and talking! Kristen was NOT ignoring Rob and she did NOT “refuse to hold his hand.” I saw the same adoring looks, smiles and laughs that I’ve seen at previous events.

It’s amazing how people choose to see/say negative things about Rob and Kristen when positive things are clearly happening! Anyone who thought they were going to sit there & kiss and cuddle during the show...REALLY?!

Kristen and TL are in a romantic relationship?...LOL!! Who knew helping someone with extremely high heels up steps would mean you’re in love with them?! Wow, I guess I’ve missed out on some fun relationships in my life! LOL!

I realized last summer at the Eclipse Convention in L.A. that Rob, Kristen and TL are friends. Last night that was still quite evident and I loved the teasing banter between Rob and TL when they all accepted the award for Favorite Movie! How sad people are trying to make Kristen and TL’s sweet interactions with each other into something other than friendship.

I went to the show to support Rob and Kristen...TL too and my respect for them tripled last night because they chose to come to the show. They could have taped their acceptance speeches like some of the other winners. It would have been a lot easier than flying for hours from Baton Rouge to Los Angeles, attend the show for less than an hour, and then flying right back to continue filming once they arrived in Baton Rouge. Must be exhausting for them and I hope they know the majority of their fans appreciate it!

It would have been less stressful for them, too. They were in the middle of pure chaos during commercial breaks and I see why attending these types of shows might not be a favorite thing for them to do. I fully appreciate now what they have to contend with when they attend award shows.

I was very happy their personal security guards were right in front of them so they weren’t stampeded by literally hordes of people who charged down front trying to get autographs and pics with all the celebrities during the breaks. It was nerve wracking for me as a spectator so I can only imagine how they feel having that kind of intensity directly centered on them. With all due respect to anyone connected to the PCA’s...security was lacking last night.

Kristen was just beautiful! It was very exciting when she mentioned she had been a vampire that morning and it was weird for her to be at the show now...I can’t wait to see her as a vampire! I love her little laugh whenever she mentions something related to Bella.

Rob was so adorable and I loved his comment about hoping he hadn’t already broken the complimentary phone. I’m not sure how I feel about Rob’s hair...I wonder why someone thought the color needed to be changed? Also loved seeing his dazzling smile as he listened intently to Kristen's acceptance speech for Favorite Movie Actress...I will never get tired of seeing him look at her like that.

Oh no, this is too long already so I'll just end it by saying it was an interesting experience, great fun to see them again, and I’m very happy I’m not a celebrity! LOL

author: robkris13 via pattzstewglobal

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