
Hollywood Life – Bonnie Says: Rob Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Have The Best Romantic Relationship In Hollywood!

Forget Brad and Angelina or Beyonce and Jay Z — it’s R-Patz and KStew who have a REAL role model relationship. Here’s why!

#1 Reason Above and Beyond — it’s not a “fake” relationship. Rob and Kristen are clearly together because they are crazy about each other and they are something which, real couples should be — they are compatible.

It’s clear that this romance, which is over a year old, is not based on buying each other expensive gifts, like J-Lo and Ben Afflecks‘, when they were Hollywood’s “golden couple”.

It’s not a “showmance” to amp up the box office of their film projects, like Jen Aniston conveniently had with her Bounty Hunter co-star Gerard Butler, neither is it about being red carpet arm candy for each other, like Madonna and her boy toys, nor is it a case of two stars who realize they are a bigger attraction together, than they are apart like Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt.

No Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are having an old fashioned “real” relationship based on the fact that they are totally crazy about each other, whether or not they are in front of paparazzi cameras. And of all the big Hollywood couples, Rob and Kristen, do the most “normal” things. They spend time with each other’s families. Rob had dinner with Kristen Stewart’s dad, John Stewart, when he visited the pair in New Orleans, before Christmas. And this was after spending Thanksgiving with KStews parents in California.

Kristen spent last Christmas with Rob’s family in their modest home in London.

The pair are happy to do all the absolutely regular things that non-celebrity couples in their early 20’s do. Go to low key bars, with close friends like Rob’s pal Tom Sturridge, or go together to watch another close pal, Sam Bradley, perform at the small lounge bar Hotel Cafe in Hollywood.

They both love to dress like college students – sporting matching plaid shirts, worn jeans and uncombed hair. Kristen even wears Rob’s tee’s, just like any other girlfriend would.

They travel together alone, without an entourage. Last Christmas, the pair visited the off-the-beaten track tiny town of Ventnor in the Isle of Wight and hung out quietly for New Years Eve at a dive bar called the Winter Gardens. They had such a wonderful time, that they returned this year to spend New Years with a few close friends. They traded in possible paid appearances at any number of NYC, LA, Miami or Las Vegas clubs, like the Kardashians or Jersey Shore crew. Instead they chose to ring in the new year quietly with “jacket potatoes” and the one they love.

Unlike so many Hollywood couples, whose eyes and more wander with co-stars, Rob and Kristen only have eyes for each other. There has never been a whisper that Rob was anything but loyal, even while he was professionally romancing Reese Witherspoon in ‘Water For Elephants’ or Emili De Ravin in ‘Remember Me‘.

Even when Kristen had dinner with her Tron co-star, Garrett Hedlund, in LA, recently, the meal was strictly professional.

Finally, what makes this pair so admirable as a couple; they both fully appreciate the gifts that they have been given. They are already blessed with fortunes – Rob’s reportedly worth $17 million and Kristen $12 million – and they have been blessed with great fans and they fully appreciate all of it.

We here at Hollywoodlife.com recently posted 45 photos of Robsten posing happily with their fans, and we easily could have posted hundreds more. This pair doesn’t take their good fortune for granted, they are respectful of each other and respectful of the people that made them stars. They still live modestly like regular folks, treasure the time they have together, cope graciously and loyally with long distance love, and kiss up a storm even when the director says ‘cut!’.

For all these reasons, I believe Rob and Kristen have the best romantic relationship in Hollywood. Agree? Or not?

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