
"The yellow handkerchief" Special

Since I've really loved this movie, and loved Kristen here, I've decided to spend some time on this Sunday, making an ensemble of various and most scenes of Yellow Handkerchief.

Enjoy the mix up of screencaps! ;)

"Do I know you?"

"No, but I can't talk to anyone around here and I'm not gonna hurt you or anything".

"Give it time. You'll be alright. Good Luck".

"Hey do something. Anything, just..."

"I wanna go, just I don't wanna go with him alone".

"Do you like this show?"

"I like it".

"No, you don't. You think you do but you do not like this show. Come on, seriously!"

"You're alright?"


"Well, I'm just say goodnight".

"You know, it's hard to sleep in the same room".


"You're so pretty when you do certain stuff, kinda makes me horny... I'm getting obsessed, I think if we go away and we'd kiss it wouldn't be this obsession thing. What do you say?"

"So, it's like an obsession thing?"

"Get off!"

"I've always wanted to go in New Orleans. You've been married? Have you been?"

"If you wanna walk..."


"Is that your dad you were talking to last night?"

"Yeah, I think he's a girlfriend now. He didn't tell me. We stayed in a motel once".


"How weird is that?"


"We should go".

"We don't know him, maybe we should just leave".

"I know him, better than I know you. You can't leave him here, we gotta take him somewhere he can get a ride".

"Everybody is afraid of me..." laughs

"I'm not afraid of you. I get annoyed".

"It was an accident".

"No, it wasn't an accident".

"I would've waited, if somebody loves me like that, I would've waited and waited. It was an accident, I would waited for years and years".

"What's wrong? Come on, tell me. I wanna know..."

"Why did you get in the car?"

"To try make someone care about me".

"You got that".

"No, I take the photos! Anyway, you're way more fascinating than me!"

"You think she knows?"

"Knows what?"

"She's the one thing in your all life you've really loved".

"Yeah, she does. She's smart".

"Well, then you probably won't have to go. It's weak. What you're doing? It's weak, it's not selfish. We'll be there with you, when you have to face it".

All these creations are edited by me

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