
Site Won’t Let Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Enjoy Their Moment

Let’s get this out of the way right off the bat: If either Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart had missed last night’s People’s Choice Awards, HollywoodLife would find a way of twisting that into evidence of relationship problems.

But since the Twilight stars were on hand for the ceremony, scooping up awards and making host Queen Latifah weak in the knees, the site needed a different angle to promote the idea that Pattinson and Stewart are in trouble.

After all, HollywoodLife has been inventing ridiculous rumors of Robsten tension for months.

So with a national TV audience watching the couple appear perfectly happy all night, the site translated their well-publicized discomfort with public displays of affection as “awkward interaction” that could mean they’re “going through a rough patch.”

When the pair and Taylor Lautner came onstage to accept their Best Movie award, HollywoodLife claims Stewart “brushed [Pattinson] aside” and gave him “the cold shoulder” while standing beside Lautner.

“We feel so badly for Rob!” cries the site. “He was the third wheel with his own girlfriend.”

Um, watch the video again (below).

It’s pretty clear that Stewart is just uncomfortable to be in front of the large crowd, something she readily admits. She doesn’t brush off Pattinson. He isn’t a “third wheel.” It looks like Stewart stands near Lautner because she wanted to be away from the microphone – not Pattinson.

Of course, HollywoodLife knows this, which is why it adds, “We hope she was just embarrassed about showing any PDA with her boyfriend – and not really upset with R-Patz.”

Uh, yeah. That’s pretty obvious.

But once again, HollywoodLife would rather create conflict than just let the stars enjoy their moment.

source gossipcop

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