
Lots of New Interviews Videos from BD Part 2 Press Junket

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Rob: I'm kind of excited about it, at the moment. I'm not sad for now but I think I might be when we're done with promoting it. It lasted a long time and it's done now, it's complete, it's kind of exciting 

Rob: I'm sure some people will say 'they changed the story!' but I hope they'll still like it.

Movies that made Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson into movie stars, the latter has a mass of projects coming up.

Rob: I'm filming a lot of movies next year. For starters, 'The Rover' is some sort of futuristic western that means a lot to me. And I might film in Iraq but I'm not sure when. And finally I'm gonna shoot with Cronenberg again, it's incredible.

Kristen: I feel pretty good about it, I've waited a long time to become to become a vampire. It's always nice to go towards something than to distant yourself from it and the 2nd one I was impatient to do this movie, I'm a huge fan of the books and I couldn't be more invested ... and acting the end, I was shocked by it, it's really crazy to watch.
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Source “The fact that it’s been acknowledged, this gaping hole that has been wanting to be filled for a long time which is movies that are female oriented... and you’re not just playing a girlfriend and you’ve got a female protagonist who is actually a girl,” Kristen told thehothits.com.

“I read so many scripts now that it’s like they’ve changed Bobby to Sue, and it’s like OK cool, but let’s actually make her a girl. A strong girls great, but this fake girl power thing is the most nauseating, disgusting thing. I want no part of it.

“So I feel like anything, the fact that she actually represents a woman’s strength, not to totally generalise but when a guy feels something really a lot, and you can’t put your finger on it, you move past it, it doesn’t exist.

“Girls kind of have an innate trust in those feelings, and seeing those through to the end was the most satisfying, validation for being “a crazy girl”, which we all tend to be sometimes.”

And Taylor revealed that he absolutely loved getting beaten up by Kristen in a fight scene, while Rob was just his usual charming self.

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