
Kristen Stewart talks 'Twilight' in Seventeen Magazine

November is Kristen Stewart's magazine month, and Seventeen is no exception.
The publication will feature Stewart on the cover of its November edition, and, as a teaser for that release, has
issued a good number of the quotes that will be featured in the physical issue.
For instance, Stewart discussed what her first attraction to her Twilight character Bella was.
I think it was the fact that she could hold her own against Edward, because it's a strange dynamic that they have. I think people relate to her just because she's got conviction.
Nicely enough, Seventeen also got a great quote from her about "the payoff" of being a part of the Twilight series - for better and worse.
I'm glad to be a part of something that's actually bigger than me for once. The success of it is the coolest thing ever because I can't tell you how much it hurts to do something that you feel like you can really learn from — and you feel is an important section of your life that you put everything into — and then nothing, it just never comes out. So the fact that we can share that, that's why we do this. It's the coolest thing.
So, her quote goes to show that she - in her typically intelligent way - does have respect and sincere regard for the Twilight film series and its fans.

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