
Kristen sings in New 'Runaways' Trailer

Kristen Stewart, the sought after 19-year-old actress the world knows as "Bella" from the Twilight series, has a new image: a badass rocker who breaks beer bottles, sings sexual punk anthems, and has a questionable hair-do. Get the first look at KStew -- and a grown Dakota Fanning -- in the trailer for The Runaways below.

But first, a little history for non-music nerds: The Runaways were a short-lived all-girl punk band from L.A. that broke up in 1979 after releasing a handful of successful albums -- including their 1976 hit "Cherry Bomb" -- and toured with bands like the Ramones and Cheap Trick. Stewart portrays Joan Jett, the quartet's co-founder and de facto leader, while Fanning plays vocalist/keyboardist Cherie Currie.

The trailer for the film (out March 19) starts with some hyper-dramatic narration ("In 1975, rock was a man's world. Until…"), then segues into the juicy bits: KStew getting rowdy, throwing a chair and hurling a beer bottle in a recording studio, telling the story of an out-of-control band hooked on rock's excesses (read: drugs and sex). But that's not even the best part. That comes when Stewart sings. Yep: the revamped music of "Cherry Bomb" features lead vocals from the vampire-lover herself.

So, SPIN readers, does KStew have a future career in music?

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