
And the iVillage Entertainment Awards Winners Are...

Saddest Onscreen Split

And the Winner Is... New Moon's Bella & Edward (Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson)

When Edward Cullen led Bella Swan into the forest to talk, we knew something bad was coming. And when he told her he couldn't be with her anymore it broke her heart -- and yours! Their brutal breakup won 88 percent of your votes, beating out Jon & Kate Plus 8's Jon and Kate Gosselin, How I Met Your Mother's Robin and Barney (Cobie Smulders and Neil Patrick Harris) and (500) Days of Summer's Summer and Tom (Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt). But dry those eyes, Twi-Hards: Bella and Edward's second-act reunion made for a happy New Moon ending.


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