
Kristen Stewart Talks Hosting Saturday Night Live

Rob Pattinson did it, and so did Taylor Lautner.

So, is it time for Kristen Stewart to host Saturday Night Live?

We asked and she answered. Here's what Ms. Stewart had to say...

"They haven't asked me to do it," Stewart said, while hanging out in a suite at L.A.'s Luxe Hotel, where she's been promoting her new rock n' roll flick, The Runaways.

Even so, would she do it?

"I would love to say yes for sure, but that is really really scary," she said. "I am so critical of myself and then also of people who are on the show. It's like, 'Nope, you're not funny—next!'"

One thing she'd totally say yes to is a…romantic comedy! But don't ask her to name any potential love interest costars. "I don't know, man," she said, laughing. "I would want to do it with some cool, unassuming random actor."

OK, got any ideas for Stewart? We know most of you are thinking Pattinson, but there must be others.


Entertainment Weekly: KStew Masters the Talk Show Interview

It was a long time coming, but Kristen Stewart finally looked comfortable on a talk show. She stopped by The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night to promote The Runaways and to show off her legs. Her awkwardness was dialed down to the point that it was completely endearing (as opposed to slightly painful) and her self-deprecation was pitch-perfect as she a) revealed why she was able to laugh at having to clear her throat while presenting the horror montage at the Oscars (“This is gonna baffle some people, but I was so proud of myself that night. I was like Whoa, I didn’t, like, fall down or anything,” she said, flashing two thumbs up when the audience applauded her) and b) explained what her Panic Room costar Jodie Foster told her at an after-party. “She’s like, ‘You know, you could learn a thing or two from me. I think that we should maybe start hanging out.’ I was like, ‘Really?‘,“ Stewart said, feigning disbelief. “I think I probably could.”

Stewart went on to address her “incapability of acting if I’m not acting” and acknowledged that wearing her heart on her sleeve has been a problem for her. She seemed envious about the way her costar Dakota Fanning is able to carry herself. Kristen, the extreme awkwardness just bothered us because we knew there was a smart, funny, articulate girl in there that we weren’t always getting to see. She emerged in part 2 of the Leno interview (embedded after the jump) when you talked about why people your age should know about the Runaways, “the first girls to play aggressive, sexually assertive rock ‘n roll,” and how you and Joan Jett are riddled with a different set of tics (“She’s got a hunch, but a cool one”). Well done. And seriously, great dress.

Source: http://popwatch.ew.com/2010/03/11/kristen-stewart-leno-runaways

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