
The Runaways Spoilers. Someone saw the movie and answered questions

1. Did they keep the masturbation scene with Sandy and Joan?
If you're referring to the one that's in the bathroom, yes, it's in. Although it is not very explicit; just Sandy trying it out and Joan being next to her, then Sandy trying it with the shower thing...

2. What was the raunchiest scene for you?
The sex scenes aren't that raunchy (you do get to see a random passed out girl's bare breasts though. the moment is pretty funny), so I'd have to settle with the dirtiest moment being when Cherie and Joan do blow in an airplane bathroom. Otherwise, just seeing Dakota wear those uber-skimpy outfits is kind of disturbing...

3. What was the most romantic scene for you?
Probably the kiss scene between Cherie and Joan, bathed in red light. The morning after, when they wake up in the same bed and Joan tells Cherie that they got a record deal, is also pretty romantic.

4. How long was the kiss scene? Was it cool? Awkward? Did they share a hit or did they change that? Did 'Love is Like Oxygen' play in the background?
I don't actually remember if the song plays in the background, not being an expert in The Runaways song titles. But it was a very sweet moment, and they nailed the characters' interactions : Joan wants her, and likes girls, but Cherie just loves her as a friend and subconsciously wants to experiment. It starts with Joan blowing smoke in Cherie's mouth, and then Cherie gives her a peck. Then a little bit of tongue.

5. What was the audience reception like? Any cheering? Anything?
It was an audience full of critics, and I was the youngest one. Nobody cheered much or anything, but there were some gasps here and there when things got really intense (the publicity rant against Cherie that Kim writes in a magazine got people going like 'oh my god', and so did the supermarket scene). There were a few laughs here and there, and the reviewers came out looking satisfied (just my opinion...)

6. On a scale of 1-10 how awesome were Kristen/Dakota's performances?
I would give Kristen a 7; she is more internalized and could have used a bit more voltage here and there, but she has got a better grip on her role. The scene where she gets mad at Lita (''Shut the f up! SHUT THE F UP, LITA!'') and when she says 'publicize the music! not your crotch!' at Cherie, though, she gave me goosebumps. Not awards material, but might be her strongest, most well-rounded performance to date.

I would give Dakota a 6; she obviously wanted to try something spikier and more dangerous than the immaculate kiddo roles she's had before... but I'm not sure if it's the way her character was written or the way she approached it, but she goes through most of the film in a 'blank' state like I mentionned. Some very affecting moments here and there, but also some moments where you 'feel' the performance and not the character, if you know what I mean.

7. Did they play the whole of 'Dead End Justice' and like act it out and everything?
I have no idea what that is... sorry!

8. Was the song 'Lola' in the movie?
I also have no idea... not good with song titles... :S

tiagosantos :
1.- I didn't read the script, so what did Dakota in the shower scene?
It's a short moment, but you just see her completely coked out in a shower and the shots are beautiful. It's right before she crumbles after getting out the elevator in the Tokyo hotel.

2.- What was the best scene for you?
The band breakup scene is beautifully shot, and all the cast members shine in this one. It's where the emotion really got to me, personally. Cherie's David Bowie lipsynch number in the beginning is a close second, though : you can hear her soft singing under the actual track, and the way she moves... and then people start throwing paper and stuff at her... and she ends up doing a double finger, and people clap... whooo.

3.- What happens in the supermarket scene?
It's in the 'eight months later' epilogue... Cherie is shopping in a supermarket, looking like a worn out crack whore with big heels, smudged mascara and bleached blonde hair... and she buys 2 onions and a bottle of gin, only to be refused by the clerk. She then says to the manager 'I'm gonna get you fired, and you're just a filthy p#ssy' to the clerk. It's a tough scene, where you really feel they turned this nice small-town girl into a hellish creature by erasing all her innocence. Dakota is great in it, but it's mostly the way it's shot that makes it so exceptional.

4.- Do we see the full performance of Cherry Bomb?
Oh my, yes we do... and it's incredible. Some slow-mo effects are the best I've seen in years-- usually I hate that kind of post-production effect, but here it works unusually well. There are also parts where the vocals keep going and you just see a shot of Dakota motionless, the mic wire wrapped around her tigh, totally coked out; it's just wondrous. Among all the stuff I've seen in theaters in 2010 as of now, that could probably rank as the best scene.


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