
Carrie Mulligan Is The Rumored Favorite To Star In ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ Over Kristen

Carrie Mulligan Is The Rumored Favorite To Star In ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ Over Kristen Stewart! K-Stew fans, can you believe this? We KNOW you don’t want to see this huge role go to Carey! BFFs — when we polled you earlier this month, a whopping 83 percent of you said you’d rather see Kristen Stewart, 20, play computer hacker Lisbeth Salander in the movie adaptation of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo books over Carey Mulligan, 24. But now the UK’s Times Online is reporting that Carey, a huge fan of the Dragon books, is inching ahead in the competition — she’s even won over the family of the book series’ author, Stieg Larsson!

Lisbeth, the books’ leading lady, is a rough-around-the-edges bisexual — a role K-Stew is all too familiar with (Runaways, anyone?) The book was already made into a movie in Sweden, but this new American version is going to be a BIG deal. If done right, we think the role could even be Oscar potential for Carey or Kristen!

Here’s what a few of you told us earlier this month in support of your girl K-Stew:

1. emma: Kristen should get the part for many obvious reasons. … Kristen all the way. No arrongance, no over the top attitude, a very wise, dedicated, and polite young woman. she should get it !!!!
2. brynne: the obviously choice is K.Stew. If you’ve seen the Runaways and her other movies then you know that the girl can act. Carey is amazing but she wouldn’t carry this role.
3. Kate: I’ve read the books and I can not see Carey in the role – she looks too sweet and delicate. Kristen would rock this role…she’s edgy, gorgeous and definitely has the right attitiude.

Keep showing your support for K-Stew, BFFs! It ain’t over till that contract is signed!


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