
"Fan encounter" time: very cute one

But then the next thing made everything all better. THE STEW CAME OUT.

Kristen Stewart. Gah. I was obsessed with her before I went... I came home even more obsessed. She started making her way towards me and I broke down. :/ Like full on blubbering mess. I was in tears. Overwhelmed much? I think so.
She saw me crying and said 'aww, hey it's okay' and fucking hugged me. Being hugged by Kristen Stewart? The best thing in the whole entire world. And because I'm weird, I stroked her hair, whilst I hugged her, all the while blubbering 'I love you' over and over again. I'm weird but so! She then said to me 'do you want me to sign this?' talking about my book, so I just nodded.
She signed my book for me and I was trying to calm down, then for some strange but great reason I decided to offer her a lollipop to which she smiled and took it from me saying 'thankyou, you're real sweet, it was nice meeting you' BEST MOMENT OF MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. She's even more beautiful in person. I didn't even think that was possible. But she's so perfect.

stewylove via pattinsonlife

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