
Kristen & ‘The Girl in the Dragon Tattoo' part 2

Kristen & Carey are battling it out for one of the most coveted roles in Hollywood! Who do you think will snag the lead in ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’?

Kristen Stewart is a bigger star — after all, she’s the star of Twilight — but Carey Mulligan has an Oscar nomination (for 2009’s An Education), so there’s sure to be fierce competition between the two for one of the hottest roles in Hollywood, playing the lead character Lisbeth in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Apparently, casting directors want a younger Angelina Jolie-type because it’s an “edgy, sexy, demanding role.”

They’ve battled it out once before: Both girls competed for the Orange Rising Star Award at the 2010 BAFTA Awards, and 20-year-old K-Stew took home the prize.

We can only imagine that K-Stew is dying to get her hands on this role!
Based on the best selling novel by Stieg Larsson, the main character Lisbeth is a tough, sexy bisexual who is a computer hacker genius! Orginally a Swedish thriller, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is getting the ultimate Hollywood renovation. And we can’t help but notice that the Twilight darling looks uncanningly similar to Swedish actress Noomi Rapace, who plays Lisbeth in the original Eurpoean adaptation.

This role would be huge for both Kristen and Carey– there’s some major Oscar potential here! Kristen does have that mysterious vibe down pat, but we can see Carey, 24, successfully playing the edgy character as well. Which actress do you want to see play the The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’s sexy leading lady: Kristen Stewart or Carey Mulligan?

– Allison McNamara

Hollywoodlife.com Via @KStew411

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