
Kristen Stewart Hates Children

Kristen Stewart

doesn’t like children.

The Twilight star says she had a tough time at school because her peers were mean to her.

“I’m glad I could do those films and I was glad to leave school,” she said. “I couldn’t relate to kids my own age. They are mean and don’t give you any chance.

“I was never the type of girl to be walking around talking about acting, so in the beginning I didn’t get hassle, until someone realized

“I tried to play it down but I got, ‘Oh, she’s such a bitch.’

“Since I was 14, I continued my education via correspondence while concentrating on my career.

“The day I did the graduation scene on Eclipse, I had just finished high school myself the week before.

“Acting was the first thing I ever thrived at.

“But they support anything I want to do.”

Source via kstewartfans

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