
Quebec Magazine Scans

Well Kept Secrets of Eclipse

We have had enough of waiting! We're counting down days, hours, minutes until Eclipse hits theaters. Plus, they limit the amount of information leaked on Eclipse, the most anticipated movie of the summer. We, at Full Fille, uncovered a few secrets...

1. After a first cut, David Slade wasn't satisfied. He asked production staff for their advice. He thought there were too many wolf and Victoria scenes and not enough Edward. Are we going to complain?

2. Ironically, David Slade had bad mouthed The Twilight Saga until someone reminded him he had signed on for Eclipse. He waved the comments away as jokes.

3. Recently, Peter Facinelli revealed some details. 'There will be more action in Eclipse. You'll see a side of Carlisle that you have never seen.' He had to film a few fight scenes where we'll see him use his vampire powers.

4. A very sexy scene between Edward and Bella has apparently been cut as to not to shock viewers.

5. The music should be signed by Howard Shore who signed the score for Lord of the Rings.

6. Robert Pattinson received $7.5 million and a share of the profits to return as Edward. His co-star, Kristen Stewart has apparently been offered the same.

7. Did you notice that Rob and Kristen have not been photographed together since the end of 2009? Rumor has it that their managers put their foot down so they could promote their other projects.

8. Did you know that the third book is Taylor's favorite? 'Every movie is a different adventure and I love that. David is perfect for this third movie since the storyline is more dark.'

9. Bryce Dallas Howard found it amusing to film one of her first scenes. She had to pull Nikki Reed's hair during her first few days as Victoria. What a way to integrate a team!

10. Ashley Greene confided that she wouldn't be surprised if Breaking Dawn was split in two films. 'I wouldn't be surprised that we did 2 movies for the last book. Only, we'd have to shoot them back-to-back because contrary to all involved, vampires do not age.'

Full Fill Magazine
Translation by I

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