
The Runaways all set for wide release

The Runaways All Set for Wide Release As Scheduled

Despite reports to the contrary, the nationwide release of The Runaways has not been canceled. The erroneous story broke yesterday, which, after all, was April 1st.

A tweet on the Box Office Mojo Twitter account which read "The Runaways lost most of its theaters this weekend, but will be back to around 200 on 4/9. Nationwide expansion canceled," was picked up by numerous fan sites, and taken as gospel truth, breaking the hearts of KStew devotees and Runaways fanatics alike.

However, according to a very reliable source at Apparition, the film's distributor, the tweet is a falsehood. According to the source, that information is a "total rumor. We are all set for the 9th."
If the report was indeed an April Fool's Day prank, then who was responsible? Twitter-hacking Twi-haters? Lita Ford and Jackie Fox?!?

While The Runaways limited release has not generated huge numbers at the box office, word of mouth has been good, as have most of the reviews, especially for the performances of Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett, Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie, and Michael Shannon's scene-stealing turn as Runaways' producer/manager Kim Fowley.

source via fiercebitchstew


"The Runaways" Wide Release NOT Canceled!

Despite reports to the contrary, the nationwide release of The Runaways has not been canceled. The erroneous story broke yesterday, which, after all, was April 1st.

A tweet on the Box Office Mojo Twitter account which read "The Runaways lost most of its theaters this weekend, but will be back to around 200 on 4/9. Nationwide expansion canceled," was picked up by numerous fan sites, and taken as gospel truth, breaking the hearts of KStew devotees and Runaways fanatics alike.

However, according to a very reliable source at Apparition, the film's distributor, the tweet is a falsehood. According to the source, that information is a "total rumor. We are all set for the 9th."

More at the Source

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