
Stella Maeve: Kristen and Dakota

I had no idea what to expect of Kristen. I had seen her work. And Dakota’s as well. I wasn’t nervous or anything, just almost like, “I really have to step up my game because I’m working with these amazing actresses and I don’t want to be the weakest link.”

Kristen and Dakota and I became really close very quick. We hit it off right away. We all just spent a lot of time together on and off set. They brought me in like family. Everybody was so close. They were all just wonderful, wonderful people, totally willing to share the spotlight with everybody. We hung out as if we were best friends. They are still really good friends of mine. I love them dearly. It’s really nice to have a personal relationship with people you work with.

Dakota was great.
I joked that “She’s more mature than me,” because I feel like a baby sometimes. Dakota doesn’t seem 15. She’s got her head on so straight and she’s so cool. It felt like we all molded into the same age we got along so well.

All the girls in the movie actually play – Dakota really sings.
We all play the real instruments. Nobody was faking. We had rehearsals three times a week to play the music. We were family. We all played music together. We were a band.

Source via KStew411

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