
Letterman hates Stewart

from laney: "But she has great new hair. LOVE the new hair. And all the ways she was wearing the new hair. Punches up the layers, makes her eyes look different. Very, very beautiful.

Kristen Stewart was in New York last night to promote Twilight Eclipse on Letterman and then for the NYC premiere. Two similar dresses. Too similar dresses? That’s the only small thing. I mean if you’re going to change from event to event, why not CHANGE?

Easy Twi-Hards, don’t froth at the mouth just yet. I’ve already complimented her hair, and I’m about to defend her against Letterman so chill your crazy til the end of the article. (Speaking of crazy – many of you at the SMUT Soiree last night, Twilight fans too, are asking for more hate mail. Will post later but lately it’s been boring, not much variety, mostly on the racial slant. Is there a Twi-Hard chapter of the KKK?)

Anyway, the last time Kristen Stewart appeared on Letterman it was a clinic on awkwardness. And at that time,
as noted here, it was her own discomfort with what was, then, at the release of the first Twilight film, her new reality. Letterman was not impressed.

This time however Stewart tried. She brought photos, she wanted to talk about her trips, the places she’s been, the things she’s seen, but it was like Dave refused to meet her there. Like he was still grudging from last time and expected her to crawl the entire way. I watched the clip half asleep initially and while I sensed some chemistry issues, I wasn’t paying that much attention until my friend Lo pointed out that this is a man who regularly invites Ebola Paris Hilton onto his stage.

Now I love David Letterman. Forever over Jay Leno. But for his seeming fondness for Ebola. He has her on once a year. At least. And he’s pleasant to her. He always laughs at Jessica Biel’s boring *** stories. He’s nice to them because they beg him to be. And while Kristen Stewart wasn’t prostrate before him, she did submit her personal items for conversation, she did attempt to engage in personal travel stories, she did indeed come back to a place she had previously bombed to give it another go. Letterman just wouldn’t play.

I’m down with that if he’s universal about the approach across the board. But even if you don’t like Kristen Stewart, and I know many of you don’t, you can’t tell me Ebola f-cking Hilton is preferable. Dave’s ego is making that declaration. He and I are fighting about that.

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