
Kristen Stewart Shows Off Her "Hidden Talent"

It's Kristen Stewart's own fault that Robert Pattinson had to resort to kissing her at the MTV Movie Awards when they were onstage accepting the popcorn for Best Kiss.

If she had only agreed to juggle, like Rob wanted...

"Rob almost convinced me that it was a good idea," Stewart said on Lopez Tonight Wednesday.

"He wanted me to juggle...to bring these bags of props on stage and he wanted to be hula hooping with a match in his mouth and he wanted me to be juggling...I couldn't even walk to the stage without tripping. So I shot that one down."

Instead, she ended up having to endure a kiss when he swooped in on her unexpectedly.

So when George Lopez wanted her to juggle as part of his ongoing "Twilight's Got Talent" bit, she juggled!

Stewart's Twilight dad Billy Burke was also on tonight. He's a recording artist on the side, but he opted to spin three toothpicks around with his mouth. Wolf-packer Julia Jones, meanwhile, deftly threw a football at a cardboard cutout of R.Pattz, impressing all.

Even more random, however, is that Stewart's real dad, John, is a stage manager at Lopez Tonight. So maybe that's why she seemed so comfortable for a change.

E! Online

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