
Questioning Chief Swan: Billy Burke on Kristen Stewart, his debut album

The Ministry has previously highlighted the struggles of "The Twilight Saga's" ordinary humans, and perhaps the most popular is Kristen Stewart's on-screen dad, Billy Burke.

It's arguable that some of Stewart's most comedic and relatable moments come from her scene work with Burke, as bone-dry rural police chief Charlie Swan. In our chat a while back with "Twilight" screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg, the scribe said Burke's character was her favorite to write for.

Our Q&A with Burke provides more insight.

Ministry of Gossip: So this is the third time around playing Bella's dad. Are you and Kristen on autopilot at this point?

Billy Burke: We sort of jumped right in from the get-go. We naturally have a similar relationship [to Charlie and Bella], you know, we don't bring a lot of baggage. But I feel like she could take care of me. She's a very strong and solid individual.


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