"During the interval of the scenes, they exchanged caresses often. I think some people are in doubt because they are discreet and prefer to maintain privacy, "the source said. The report of IG tried to find out if Pattinson and Kristen are sharing the same room but couldn't get this information. When staying at the Copacabana Palace, however, Kristen and Robert stayed in two rooms interconnected.
Some scenes from "Breaking Dawn" the fourth film in the series, is being filmed in the city of Paraty, in the southern state of Rio de Janeiro, since last Tuesday (9). The bad weather that hits the city, however, has disrupted the filming schedule since the early hours of Thursday (11).
On that day, you could see that after midnight the scenario was set up and you also could see a bed inside the mansion, located in the bag Mamanguá in Paraty-Mirim, which is being used as a backdrop. The environment gave the impression that the long awaited scene would be shot the first night of love between the characters of Edward and Bella.
A powerful storm, however, reached the region and the scenes were postponed. During the day, with overcast skies and rain, the filming were restricted to the intern part. Production staff came to mount scenery and equipment on a porch at the entrance of the mansion, but they were soon dismantled.
In the early hours of Friday, the mansion remained totally dark, and the movement of employees only resumed at around 8am. Shortly before noon, the report of IG caught on the balcony of one of the top balcony of the house doubles of Pattinson and Kristen.
The security remains in place reinforced. About 15 boats, with the support of the Port Authority, hinder the approach of onlookers and the media in the area of the shooting.
The mansion in the saco de Mamanguá plays the fictional isle of Esme, where the character Edward takes Bella to spend the honeymoon. According to the book Breaking Dawn, who inspired the movie, the isle lies on the coast of Rio de Janeiro and the honeymoon, Kristen's character is pregnant. Before Paraty, some scenes of the film were filmed in the Lapa district and at the Gloria Marina, both in Rio de Janeiro.
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