
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Stupid Internet Rumors

The Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart rumors just never go away. Whether it is about both of them or just about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart individually the rumors are always ridiculous.

Here are some of the recent Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson internet rumors flying around.

1. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are married.

This rumors has no basis in fact whatsoever. Where it came from is a mystery just like most of these internet rumors. Some tabloid ran a headline saying that Rob and Kristen were married but they were referring to Edward and Bella in Breaking Dawn. Some bloggers ran with this story and made up a rumors that the two were already married in real life and hiding it. Give me a break. This one is totally false.

2. Robert Pattinson is going to be Prince William's best man.

This rumors is the most ridiculous internet rumor surrounding either Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. This rumors was started by The Spoof website. They are a satirical website and people know their stories are made up and most of the time they are funny. But, the website OneIndia Living picked up the story and reported it as fact. OneIndia Living is a trash site and lost all credibility after running with this story. Just to clarify, Robert Pattinson is not going to be Prince William's best man.

3. Robert Pattinson got in a fight with Jason Statham.

Another flat out lie. This rumors stated that Pattinson was defending Stewart's honor by challenging Statham to a fight. The problem with this story is that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were in Brazil when this supposedly happened in L.A.

4. Kristen Stewart is pregnant, yet again.

No idea where this rumor came from but it is not new and not true. Kristen Stewart is not pregnant.

Will the Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart rumors ever stop? Probably not, but we will keep them honest when ever we can.
source metrowny

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