
Where Does Robsten Rendezvous? A Look at Rob and Kristen's Brazlian Bungalow

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are all over each other in Brazil. The two have been spotted making out on the set of Breaking Dawn.

Away from the cameras, though, the couple is also making a point of getting away from the crew.

Hollywood Life reports that movie employees have rented out a $5,000/night residence in Paraty, but “[Rob and Kristen] are staying at [another house] next door... it’s about a five minute boat ride away." And it looks VERY luxurious:

Brazlian Bungalow

Brazlian Bungalow Picture

Stewart and Pattinson "have about 20 security guards" around them at all times, this source adds, saying "they don’t leave the house for any reason.”

But that's not because locals are upset that this installment of the Twilight Saga is shooting in the region.
“They are not against it,” says an insider. “In Rio de Janeiro, they arrived around midnight, and they closed some streets and no one could get back to their houses... that was the only problem.”



Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart In Brazil: The Honeymoon Mansion Details

There has been a lot of buzz going around about Kristen Stewart and her beau Robert Pattinson ever since the filming for Breaking Dawn started. Breaking Dawn is the final installment in the Twilight series of vampire movies.

The shooting started in Louisiana where the two were rumored to have rented an apartment together in New Orleans where they were to live in together.

But that was in Louisiana. The shoot has moved on to Brazil now but the living in rumors about R-Patz and K Stew seem to be persisting from there as well. As reported by Hollywood Life, the couple has apparently rented an estate in Brazil, in Paraty which is serving as their new luxurious mansion.

Of course, the two love birds are staying together there as well. The apartment, as per Hollywood Life, has been rented by them for as long as 22 days out of the 60 which the crew would spend in Brazil in order to shoot the honeymoon sequences in the film featuring the eternal pair of Bella and Edward.

Report further says that they are dishing out five grand for every night’s stay which would add up to a total payment of over a tenth of a million dollars for the grand estate. And yes, that is for 22 nights of stay in all. The per night pay that they are dishing out over there is actually the monthly rent that they have to pay for their New Orleans apartment which is luxurious in its own right.

The honeymoon mansion is being paid for by the producers who booked it for 60 days. The security of the place will be of the top draw with as many as 20 men guarding the place at all times.


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